Consider online educational leadership doctorate programs if your goal is to work in scholarly, administrative, or leadership positions at various educational institutions.
This includes primary, secondary, and post-secondary schools, as well as colleges, universities, community and technical colleges, and non-profit or government agencies.
Depending on your specific goals, you can choose an online educational leadership doctorate program leading to either a PhD or EdD (educational doctorate). While there is some overlap, the PhD degree is geared more toward scholarship and research in the educational leadership field.
An EdD is designed for learners who want to primarily become leaders at educational institutions.
You are a good candidate for this program if you:
Upon graduation, you will be well prepared for the increasingly challenging leadership roles and able to apply your knowledge and skills to support education in a variety of settings.
To apply for online educational leadership doctorate program, you will require a minimum of a masters degree. Some programs may allow admittance with only a bachelor's degree, but would require one take additional preparatory classes prior to beginning the doctoral coursework.
Both the PhD and EdD programs require a dissertation written about an area of interest related to educational leadership. The PhD degree may require a more intensive dissertation process, along with additional seminars and research requirements.
Some online programs may also require a limited amount of on-campus attendance in order to satisfy the degree requirements.
You may choose to focus your online PhD or EdD leadership doctoral program in many areas such as educational leadership or administration in K-12 or higher education, adult and continuing education, law as it relates to post-secondary education, organizational leadership among other specializations.
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As a terminal degree, the PhD or EdD is the peak of advancement in the educational leadership field that many people in education aspire to attain.
As you consider earning a leadership or educational administration doctorate, check that the school or program is accredited through a credible regional or national organization. Some schools also have additional program accreditation, such as the Teacher Education Accrediting Council. Accreditation is a sign that the school or program adheres to rigorous educational standards. It assures that your diploma will be respected in the industry.
The coursework that makes up online educational leadership programs is generally offered in the context of graduates leading from within an educational institution.
Throughout a doctoral leadership program, students gain an expanded knowledge of issues that affect educational organizations such as organizational leadership, decision-making, design and implementation of instruction, teaching and learning, student affairs, politics and policy and law. Programs may also include experiential practicum that provide a more in-depth study of the real-life educational world.
Programs expand students' expertise in areas such as financial management, problem solving, planning, and change management. The programs also underscore the importance of promoting diversity and access at all educational institutions.
An online educational doctorate prepares graduates for prominent scholarly, administrative, and leadership roles in various educational institutions as well as non-profit and government agencies. At higher education institutions, graduates often obtain mid- or senior-level positions, including student affairs, alumni and development, athletics, and housing and residence life. The job outlook for education administrators is expected to be excellent due to retirements and a decrease in the number of applications, according to BLS.
Those graduating with a PhD, or an EdD with an extensive research component can continue their scholarly endeavors through research and teaching at the university and college level, although various non-profits and government agencies may also support independent research of issues and topics related to educational leadership.
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