Guide to Distance Learning Colleges and Online Degrees

Take advantage of the programs offered by distance learning to earn your Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, Certificates or your Doctorate degree from the comfort of your home.

  • Are you are looking to begin your degree from scratch?
  • Finish a degree that you've already started?
  • Advance your career?
  • Or simply earn continuing education credits?

Making a decision about distance learning

Taking online college courses and programs will give you the flexibility to schedule your classes around other aspects of your life, including your job and family obligations and earn a college degree online.

But earning your degree from a distance learning school or university that is not accredited is, frankly, a waste of your time and money. Many employers will not recognize such a degree. You will not be able to transfer credits from one school to another. Also, reputable universities limit their enrollment in advanced degree programs to grads from accredited degree programs.

On this site, you'll find the courage, confidence and direction to jumpstart your future. You will get that from our information about distance learning colleges and accredited online degrees. We have done our research on various distance learning programs and we share with you what you need to know and what you should expect from the online program that you choose.

We'll also tell you about some of the colleges and universities in the United States (USA), Canada, online universities for international students and distance learning courses in other parts of the world.

The navigation bar on the left and the links above and below take you to resources on distance education, accredited online college degree programs and distance learning colleges. If you need even more basic information, we have that for you right here, on our Distance Education Resource page.

To further aid your search for an online college or a campus-based university in the United States, we have listed colleges by State from where you can request FREE information.

Note that most of the online colleges that you will find on this site accept students currently living in the United States. A small list of colleges such as University of Liverpool accept Canadians and other international students living outside USA, for online graduate programs.

Making a decision about which distance learning college to choose from is a complex process. We are talking about your money, your time and--most importantly--your education. Nothing should be left up to chance. Do your research, and use our Website to choose an accredited online college for your online study.

Here's to your continued learning and even greater success!


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